Demo of our online training platform
The Financial Coach Practitioner Certificate Training

"I'mĀ really impressed by the range of resources being made available to us. Really invaluable so that we are not starting from scratch in our own businesses."

"I was given this amazing opportunity to join the course from Lebanon without having to travel and pay all extra fees to attend, and all because of the availability of the online platform."

"Gosh - thereĀ was so much! I love it. I've downloaded everything, and made notes of all the links, and am working my way through it. Brilliant resources, so helpful."

"Enjoyable, intense and challenging, really supportive. Packed full of useful content and opportunities to put the learnings into practice."
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Wise Monkey Financial Coaching Ltd is registered as a company in England and Wales.
Registration number: 06943759. Registered office: Preston Park House, South Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 6SB.
VAT Number: 340 5483 16